National Policy Data Observatory

Check Our Dashboards

SA's Development Indicators Dashboard

Dashboard for tracking South Africa's Development Indicators published by the Department of Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation on an annual basis. These indicators are approved by Cabinet as quantitative markers that track the progress being made towards achieving key policy goals. The data is sourced from government administrative systems, international databases, research institutions, and official statistics.

Mokgoropo Makgaba

Logistics Observatory

The performance of the national logistics system is dependent on trustable, validated data to support strategic, tactical, and operational decision-making. CSIR’s Logistics Observatory platform integrates information from multiple sources to provide insights into the current status and performance of the logistics system.

Isabel Meyer

NPDO Dashboard

Dashboard that contains Covid-19, Demographic, Mobility, Financial, Report data and more.

Ross Holder

DHET Geolocations

Dashboard showing locations of TVET Colleges, Universities, Post Offices, Libraries and more.

Ross Holder

Google Studio Dashboard

Dashboard that contains Covid-19 data analysis, insights and more.

Jabu Mtsweni